Open Your Heart
I am Love
Balancing your Heart Chakra allows you to give and receive love with ease. Set an intention to open your heart to love within and around you.
Move Forward Confidently
I Honor My Intuition
Balancing your Third Eye Chakra allows you to move forward confidently while trusting your inner voice. Set an intention for yourself to connect with your intuitive wisdom.

Restore Feelings of Oneness
I am Connected
Balancing your Crown Chakra allows you to access enlightened wisdom and enhance feelings of spiritual unity. Set an intention to restore a sense of oneness with the universe.
Feel secure in the now
I am Grounded
Balancing your Root Chakra allows you to feel grounded and secure as you move forward on life’s journey. Set the intention for yourself to feel grounded, secure, and safe in the here and now.

Be Wholly Supported
I am Protected
Balancing your Crown Chakra connects you to enlightened wisdom and utmost clarity. Set an intention to access higher states of consciousness and feel supported and protected in the here and now.